
Master Administrators have control over who has access to the TAP, what they can do on it and what it looks like.


Create a TAP

Login as Master Administrator and goto Setup>Shopping Carts>New Trade Acceleration Portal.

Enter a name for the TAP and Save.

Configure your TAP before deployment and assign login credentials to TAP users.

Customer>Profile>Customer Portal>Enable Portal Shopping Cart

Copy a TAP

Login as Master Administrator

Setup > Shopping Carts > Open the TAP you want to copy > Action > Create Copy

Enter a name for the TAP and Save.

Embed/Share a TAP

Login as Master Administrator

Setup > Shopping Carts > Your TAP >Embed/Share

Use the embed in a web page code or link to deploy or share your TAP.

If you're stuck, tell your web designer you need help 'embedding an iFrame', or email

Grant TAP Access


To enable access for a Customer to the TAP, you must set a username and password on the Customer Master profile.

Sales > Customers > Customer Name > Profile > Customer Portal > Enable Shopping Cart , and 'Enable Shopping Cart' (check boxes) >add credentials.

When you click Save the Customer the system will send an email to the main contact with the credentials embedded in this email template: Setup > Email Templates > Customer login details reminder

Sales Team

To enable access for an in-house Sales Team member to the TAP, you must set a username and password on the Worker's profile.

Create Worker > Set Worker Type to 'Employee'.

Worker > Login Details > Enable Login > Set Login ID and Password. > Set Role to 'Administrator'.

Sales Rep

To enable access for an independent Sales Rep to the TAP, you must set a username and password on the Worker's profile.

Create Worker > Set the Worker Type to 'Sales Rep'.

Worker > Login Details > Enable Login > Set Username and Password > Set Role to 'Portal Only'.

Configuration Options


View Basic Configuration options.


View Workers Configuration options.


View Customers Configuration options.

Last updated