
Add new fields without coding.


Customization - need to know

Salesorder was architected to be customized.

If you cannot achieve the customization with the functions described below, we’ll work with you to understand and turn your requirements into Plugins.

Plugins are scripts written by developers to extend or add functionality.

Because of the efficiency of the software development tools we use, Plugins can be delivered quickly and, therefore at a relatively low cost. Please contact for more information.

What you can do here

Use the links to navigate to the instructions on this page.

You can personalize Document screens by inserting custom fields or hiding the standard ‘out of the box’ fields. You can make standard and custom fields mandatory.

Custom fields let you add and store more data to Document screens.

Custom Field Types:

Field inheritance

Documents can inherit values from custom fields, i.e. a custom field on a Sales Quote can be inherited by a custom field on a Sales Order.

Lists and Reports

Lists and Reports: Custom fields you add are available in Lists and Reports in the respective search and filter functions.

Import data into custom fields

Add the ‘Field name’ (not the Label name) as a column in the respective Import spreadsheet. The Field name is defined in the ‘Insert Custom field’ dialogue. See below ‘Insert new field’.

To organize or create more space for new fields, you can add new sections and tabs.

  • A section is a horizontal row that expands appropriately to hold the fields you add with it.

  • A tab is a new area within which you can add new sections.

Modify existing fields

You cannot remove standard (out of the box) fields on Documents, but you can hide or make them mandatory.

Insert new fields

Inserting new fields into the app is easy. You can add new custom fields to any Document where you see the ‘Configure’ button on the respective Document Action bar. When you add a custom field, it is available to everyone who has permission to access the modified Document screen.

Permission to insert Custom fields?: You need to have an Administrator Role on your login.

Insert custom field

You can insert fields into the Document as is or create new Sections or Tabs with sections, then insert your fields. (You might want to do this latter step first)

  1. Go to the Document you want to customize and click ‘Configure’

  2. Document configuration, click ‘Customize fields’

  3. Tell the app where you want to insert the new field by highlighting (mouse over and click) an existing field. For example:

  1. Click on ‘Edit Fields’

  2. ‘Add Field…’

  3. The ‘Insert Custom field’ dialogue box will appear.

  4. Click ‘OK’ to complete.

Move custom field:

  1. Go to the Document you want to customize and click ‘Configure’

  2. Document configuration, click ‘Customise fields’

  3. Tell the app which field you want to move by highlighting (mouse over and click) an existing field. For example:

  1. Click on ‘Edit Fields’

  2. ‘Move Field…’

Delete custom field:

When you delete a custom field ALL data stored on this field is deleted and cannot be recovered.

  1. Go to the Document you want to customize and click ‘Configure’

  2. Document configuration, click ‘Customise fields’

  3. Tell the app the field you want to delete by highlighting (mouse over and click) the target field. For example:

  1. Click ‘Edit Fields’ > ‘Delete’

Inherit field value:

Strategy: Target a custom field on a Document you need to be populated by a value in a custom field on a preceding Document in a workflow. For example:

  • A value in a custom field on a Sales Quote is inherited by a custom field on a Sales Order when it is created from the Sales Quote.

  • A value in a custom field on a Customer is inherited by a custom field on a Sales Order when it is created from the Customer.

Before you begin: you will need to insert a pair of custom fields. One on the source Document and one on the inheriting Document.

  1. Go to the Document you want to customize and click ‘Configure’

  2. Document configuration, click ‘Customise fields’

  3. Tell the app which custom field (A) you want another custom field (B) on the other ‘target’ Document to inherit from by highlighting (mouse over and click) an existing field. For example:

  1. Click on ‘Edit Fields’, then click on ‘Inherit field value’

  2. On the ‘Specify Inherited Fields’ screen, you will see:

This is the field you will use in the target document and the custom field will inherit from

In this table, check the respective ‘Inherit’ box.

  1. Click ‘Save’

  2. Go and test.

Add Section:

To organize fields or make more space on the existing Document screen, you can add Sections or Tabs. You can add sections within Tabs. You can apply Headers to Sections.

  1. Go to the Document you want to customize and click ‘Configure’

  2. Document configuration, click ‘Customise fields’

  3. Click ‘Edit Sections.

  4. The next action will add a Section at the top of the Tab you have open. The Tab open by default is the left-most Tab. So make sure you select which Tab you want the new Section to be added to.

  5. Click ‘Add Section…’

  6. The app will add the Section.

When you add a Section, you may want to organize its contents under Headers. To add Headers:

  1. Click ‘Add Header….

Move Section:

  1. Go to the Document you want to customize and click ‘Configure’

  2. Document configuration, click ‘Customise fields’

  3. Click on the ⚪ in the Section to select it.

  4. Click Edit Sections > Move...

Delete Section:

Deleting a Section will delete all fields within the Section together with all data previously stored in the respective fields. This is unrecoverable.

  1. Go to the Document you want to customize and click ‘Configure’

  2. Document configuration, click ‘Customise fields’

  3. Click on the ⚪ in the Section to select it.

  4. Click Edit Sections > Delete

Add Tab:

You can move a Tab to the left or right

  1. Go to the Document you want to customize and click ‘Configure’

  2. Document configuration, click ‘Customise fields’

  3. Click ‘Edit Tab’ > Add Tab

  4. Give the Tab a useful name

Move Tab:

You can move a Tab to the left or right

  1. Go to the Document you want to customize and click ‘Configure’

  2. Document configuration, click ‘Customise fields’

  3. Click ‘Edit Tab’ > Move Tab...

Delete Tab:

Deleting a Tab will delete all Sections fields within the Sections on the Tabs together with all data previously stored in the respective fields. This is unrecoverable.

  1. Go to the Document you want to customize and click ‘Configure’

  2. Document configuration, click ‘Customise fields’

  3. Select the Tab you want to delete

  4. Click ‘Edit Tab’ > Delete Tab...

Last updated