Trade Acceleration Portal 2.0

The TAP is a built-in, multi-functional self-service B2B ecommerce portal. It shares the same database as your Salesorder system and requires no integration.


TAP benefits

The TAP has two key benefits:

Fixed cost and effort savings

Save at least $15K per annum in time and costs: Based upon 240 days in the working year, our research shows customer-facing workers in wholesalers spend 93 days or 40% of their time in a year answering customer calls and emails. At $20 an hour, that's over $15K per year wasted.

Increased margins

Reduce commission fees: If you trade on marketplaces you can save commission fees by diverting new customers acquired on the marketplace to your TAP.

Reduce card payment fees: We offer highly competitive fees for card and ACH transactions.

TAP highlights

  • No expensive or complex integrations - it's built into your system.

  • Completely customizable.

  • Responsive and works on mobile and tablet devices.

  • Deploy multiple TAPs at no additional cost.

  • Send TAP links via email.

  • Embed TAPs on your web pages.

  • Add users, and access permissions.

  • Allow order capture by manual entry or barcode scanner.

What can the TAP do?

The TAP is a B2B ecommerce 'portal' and can be configured for three specific purposes:

  1. B2B Customer Ecommerce.

  2. B2B Independent Sales rep support.

  3. Remote in-house sales rep support, e.g capture orders using barcode scanners at tradeshows.


To enable access for a Customer to the TAP, you must set a username and password on the Customer Master profile. When you save these settings the customer will receive an email notification. This will contain the credentials you set.

Customers > customer name > Profile > Customer Portal > Enable Shopping Cart and 'Enable Shopping Cart' (check these boxes).

In this mode, the following features are available to your customer:

  • Secure login from mobile devices.

  • Catalog view and search by category.

  • Stock availability view (real-time).

  • Place orders (enter manually or use a barcode scanner).

  • Track orders and shipments (real-time).

  • View order history.

  • View accounts receivable balance (real-time).

  • View invoices.

  • View invoice history.

  • Pay Invoices using ACH or Card.

  • View payment history.

  • View and accept Quotes.

  • Configure customer user permissions e.g. order approvals.

  • Register as a new customer.

Grant a single customer access

To grant TAP Access to a single customer

Go to Configuration page > Basic > Configure > Cart Access > select 'Specific Customer' from the list and key in the Customer Ref # in the field below.

Independent Sales Rep support

You can configure the TAP to enable your independent sales reps to log in and view customers they own. When you set the 'Owner' on a Customer master to the 'Worker' name, the Customer and its associated documents will be displayed to the rep.

You must set the 'Worker Type' to 'Employee'.

Company > Workers > worker name > Worker Type = Sales Rep.

In this mode, the following features are available to your independent sales reps:

  • Secure login from mobile devices.

  • Catalog view and search by category.

  • Stock availability view (real-time).

  • Place orders (enter manually or use a barcode scanner).

  • Track orders and shipments (real-time).

  • View order history.

  • View invoices.

  • View invoice history.

  • Register as a new customer.

Remote in-house Sales Team

You can configure the TAP to enable your in-house Sales Team to log in to the TAP.

You must Create Worker > Set Worker Type to 'Employee'.

Worker > Login Details > Enable Login > Set Login ID and Password. > Set Role to 'Administrator'.

In this mode, the following features are available to your Sales Team.

  • Secure login from mobile devices.

  • See ALL customers.

  • Catalog view and search by category.

  • Stock availability view (real-time)

  • Place orders (enter manually or use a barcode scanner)

  • Track orders and shipments. (real-time)

  • View order history.

  • View accounts receivable balance (real-time).

  • View invoices.

  • View invoice history.

  • Pay Invoices using ACH or Card.

  • View payment history.

  • View and accept Quotes.

  • Configure customer user permissions e.g. order approvals.

  • Register as a new customer.

TAP key functions

Access to Functions is configurable.

(1) Customers and Contacts are not visible to Customers.

(2) Pay Invoices, Balance, and Users are not visible to Reps.

Function TabDescription

Customers (1)

A searchable and selectable list of Customers.

You can display the respective Customer balance.

Contacts (1)

A searchable and selectable list of Customer contacts.


Search and review product availability and detail including pricing adjusted as per the price lists (See Price Lists) assigned to customers.

‘Shopping Basket’

Items added to a Sales Order are displayed here.

Users can select from Billing and Shipping addresses held on record for the Customer.

Users can add or modify Billing and Shipping addresses.

Users can enter their Purchase Order number in the ‘Customer ref field’.


List of searchable and sortable Quotes. Users can drill down, review and print Quotes.


List of searchable and sortable Orders. Users can drill down, review and print Orders.


List of searchable and sortable Shipments. Users can drill down, review and print Shipments.


List of searchable and sortable Invoices. Users can drill down, review and print Invoices.

‘Pay Invoices’ (2)

Users can find, select and make full or partial payments for Invoices using ACH or Card.

‘Balance’ (2)

A List of all Accounts Receivable transactions for the Customer.


A List of Payments and their respective status.

‘Users’ (2)

A List of Users. Users with the appropriate permissions can add users here.

The 'Search' function is permanently displayed in the top of the TAP user interface.

An additional Category filter that works in conjunction with the Search function can be enabled on the Product List, Grid, and Detail pages.

This filter tool has two actions:


Use this control to specify if any or all of the categories selected filter the Search.


This dropdown displays a list of categories.

Click on a category to select and add it to the field so it becomes an active filter on the search results.

Configuration Options

Basic Configuration

Configuration > Basic > Configure

SettingWhat it does

Cart Access

Specify or disable Trading partner access.

Who Can Log In

Select from the dropdown:

  • Customers

  • Specific Customer

  • Workers (Agents) Only

  • Workers and Customers

  • Suppliers

  • Customers and Suppliers

  • Disabled

Specific Customer (Use Ref #)

To grant TAP Access to a single customer, select 'Specific Customer' from the list and key in the Customer Ref # here.


Configure Settings for Orders

Enable Shopping Basket

Allows users to view and use Shopping Cart.

Edit Orders

Allows users to edit their Orders.

Cancel Orders

Allows users to cancel Orders.

Display tax rate in Basket

Enable to show the tax rate in the shopping basket.

Display tax amount in Basket

Enable to show the tax amount in the shopping basket.

Price Visibility

Choose if prices are displayed on the Product Grid/List. The options are:

  • Always Show Price

  • Show Price only when logged in

  • Never Show Price

Type of orders created (Worker)

Decide which type of orders workers can create. The options are:

  • Sales Orders

  • Quotes

  • Sales Orders and Quotes

Type of orders created (Customer)

Decide which type of orders customers can create. The options are:

  • Sales Orders

  • Quotes

  • Sales Orders and Quotes


Configure settings for Products.

Products Visibility

Decide which products you want to see on the TAP.

Here are the options:

  • All Stock Items

  • All Stock Items and Non-Stock Items

  • Only Portal Enabled Items (To set go to Products/Services > Item > Origin > 'Available in Portal Cart')

Warehouses/Sites used for Stock Levels

Select specific sites to show users the available stock. Leave blank to include all sites.

To set up Sites go to Products/Services > Sites > +

Product Classes

You can include or exclude specific Product Classes.

Reduce Stock Levels by quantity on Orders

Reduce inventory by the quantity specified in Orders.

Show category dropdown

Enable the category dropdown on the search bar to allow category-specific searches.

Default List Size

Configure rows to display.

Number of rows to display

Display 10, 25, 50 and 1000 rows at a time.

Default Products View

Choose List or Grid.

Select default product view

Choose between Grid or List for product display.

Workers Configuration

Configuration > Workers > Configure

SettingWhat it does

Stock Level Visibility

Show stock visibility.

Stock levels visible

Show or hide stock levels for your Workers.

Customer/Contact Permissions

Allow editing and creation.

Allow Customer creation/edit

Control workers' ability to create and edit Customers.

Allow Contact creation/edit

Control workers' ability to create and edit Contacts.


Configure Workers Permissions for Orders

Edit Quotes

Enable to allow your workers to edit Sales Quotes.

Quotes to Pending Orders

Enable to allow your workers to progress Sales Quotes to Pending Sales Orders.

Unused Payments and Balance

Display Unused Payments and Balance

Hide Unused payments and Balance

Disable the display of the accounts receivable balance.

Actions Displayed for Worker

Display actions and views for the worker.

Customer Configuration

Configuration > Customers > Configure

SettingWhat it does

Taking Payments

Enable Payments

Credit Card

Check to allow Credit Card payments.


Check to allow ACH payments.

Stock Level Visibility

Show stock visibility.

Stock levels visible

Check to allow users to see stock levels.


Configure Customer's Permissions for Orders

Quotes to Pending Orders

Allow Quotes to be converted to Pending Sales Orders.

Unused Payments and Balance

Display Unused Payments and Balance

Hide Unused payments and Balance

Disable the display of the customer's accounts receivable balance.

Actions Displayed for Customer.

Display actions and views for the customer.

Last updated