Sales Order List

Find, Group and perform bulk actions on Sales Orders

See Sales Order List ⛭

Sales Order List - need to know

The Sales Order List enables users to perform bulk search and processing operations to:

  • Progress Sales Orders through the fulfillment journey

  • Create Purchase Orders for Back, Drop Ship and Special Orders

Green, Orange, and Red indicators, together with statuses in the row reflect whether or not there is stock available for allocation, together with the allocation, accounting, and pick, pack ship status for each Order.

See ‘Stock Allocation

Find and select Orders

  • Search for Sales Orders using filters (Action>Search)

  • List All, Pending, Open, Orders (respective Actions)

  • List All, Pending, Open Orders by Owner (Action>Find)

  • Create memorized searches (Action>Advanced Search>Memorize) See 'Memorized Searches'.

Approve Orders

  • List Pending action reveals a control 'Approve' enabling you to select and approve orders.

  • Find submitted Orders awaiting Approval (Action>Find)

  • Find Approved Orders (Action>Find)

Users with Approval permissions set in their respective ‘Role’ can bookmark or view found Orders to edit and approve them.

See ‘Approvals

Approve Credit for Orders

  • Find Orders awaiting Credit Approval (Action>Find)

  • Approve Credit selected Orders (Action>Approve Credit)

See ‘Credit Controls’.

Stock Allocation

  • List Orders requiring Allocation (Action>Allocating)

  • List Orders that can be fully Allocated (Action>Allocating)

  • List Orders that can be partially Allocated (Action>Allocating)

  • List Orders that cannot be Allocated (Action>Allocating)

  • Show Allocation for selected Orders (Action>Allocating) - this action displays the ‘Allocate’ and ‘Allocate and Create Shipments’ Actions so as the user can move selected Orders to the Shipments stage

  • Allocate Stock (Action>Allocating). Allocate Stock to the selected Orders.

  • Create Shipments (Action>Allocating). Create Shipments from the selected Orders.

See ‘Stock Allocation’.

Create Shipments

  • Users can create Shipments from selected Orders (Action>Allocating)

  • Show Allocation for selected Orders (Action>Allocating) - this action displays the ‘Allocate’ and ‘Allocate and Create Shipments’ Actions so as the user can move selected Orders to the Shipments stage

See ‘Shipments

Track Orders ready to, or currently in Pick, Pack, and Ship

  • List Orders ready to Pick, Pack and Ship (Action>Pick-Pack-Ship)

  • List Orders in Pick Pack, Ship. The rows returned show the position and status of each order in the journey. (Action>Pick-Pack-Ship

Create Invoices

  • List Orders Shipped not Invoiced (Action>Invoicing)

  • List Orders partially / fully shipped (Action>List>Green Button)

  • Users can bulk create Sales Invoices from selected Sales Orders. (Action>Invoicing)

Create Cash Sales (Sales Receipt)

  • List Orders Shipped not Invoiced (Action>Invoicing)

  • List Orders partially / fully shipped (Action>List>Green Button)

  • Users can bulk create Cash Sales from selected Sales Orders. (Action>Invoicing)

Create Back Orders (Deprecated)

See and use 'PO Generator by Order'.

Sales Orders have an ‘on Back Order’ checkbox which is automatically checked by the Back Order generator. Users can run the Back Order generator from the Sales Order List (Action>Back Orders).

The user action ‘Create Back Order Purchase Order’ control scans the Order list for Sales Orders with a status of ‘not allocated’ or ‘partially allocated’ and creates Purchase Orders (Back Orders).

The resulting Back Orders are based upon the aggregation of the shortfall of stock. These Purchase Orders derive their Supplier details from the ‘Preferred Supplier’ table on the respective Item Master.

Each Sales Order’s ‘on backorder’ checkbox is checked during the backorder operation. The ‘Sales Order’ field on each Purchase Order generated is populated with either:

  • the Sales Order Ref #, where there is a one-to-one relationship between the Purchase Order and the Sales Order. The Sales Order ref number links to the Sales Order.

  • the word ‘Split’, where there is a one-to-many relationship between the Purchase Order and multiple Sales Orders. Clicking the link will display a modal box (pop up) that presents a list of the ‘linked’ Sales Orders.

The linked Purchase Order will appear in the ‘Transaction’ tab of each Sales Order.

Print Pick Lists

  • Print the Pick List by Item (Action>Pick-Pack-Ship)

  • Print the Pick List by Order (Action>Pick-Pack-Ship)

Drop Ship Orders

  • List Drop Ship Orders (Action>Drop Ship)

  • List Drop Ship Orders (Bill/Purchase Invoice received) (Action>Drop Ship)

  • List Drop Ship Orders (No PO) (Action>Drop Ship)

  • Create Drop Ship Purchase Orders from the selected Orders (Action>Drop Ship)

  • Create Invoices (Bill received) from the selected Orders (Action>Drop Ship)

Special Orders

Special Orders are used to order Items to be shipped to you and then shipped onward to the customer.

  • List Special Orders (Action>Drop Ship)

  • List Special Orders (No PO) (Action>Drop Ship)

  • Create Special Orders (Action>Drop Ship)

  • Create Invoices (Bill/Purchase Invoice received) from the selected Orders (Action>Drop Ship)

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