
Contacts have two contexts, Addresess e.g. Billing Address, and arbitrary Contacts, e.g. Nick Spooner is the type: Buyer.


Main 'default' Contact

Every Customer and Supplier Master has a main Contact. This is the default billing address and shipping address unless you specify another address as the default.

This is useful if you record:

  • a b2c customer from a shopping cart, e.g. one individual with the same billing and shipping address.

  • a b2b customer with one individual with the same billing and shipping address.

Override Default Main Contact

This functionality allows users to set default contacts for specific transaction types.

From the Customer/Supplier Master > Actions > New Contact

The field ‘Default for Transactions’ is displayed when users create a new contact from the trading partner record. Enter the contact details as usual then select one or more transaction types from the drop down, i.e. Sales Quotes, Sales Orders and Cash Sale.

Once saved, when a user creates a document, e.g. Sales Order, for a Customer, the default contact will be the contact which is set to the default contact for Sales Orders.

Users cannot set more than one default contact for a transaction type. If they try, the system will not allow it and will show a message that allows the user to override the previous contact and set a new person to be the default contact for this transaction type.

Contact Addresses

You must have manually created or uploaded your Customers and Suppliers before you upload their respective Contact addresses, Shipping, and Billing addresses.

There are three 'address types' of Contacts:

  • Billing Address - Used on 'Leads', 'Prospects', and 'Customers'.

  • Shipping Address - Used on 'Customers' and Suppliers

  • Payment Address - Used on 'Suppliers'.

Each address allows you to store the name and email of the key contact at that address.

You can create the above address from the Action menu on the respective 'Masters'.

Billing Address

Customer name>Actions>New Billing Address creates a new Billing Address.

To make this the default billing address, check the 'Use as default' check box before you save the address.

Shipping Address

Customer name>Actions>New Shipping Address creates a new Shipping Address.

To make this the default shipping address, check the 'Use as default' check box before you save the address.

Payment Address

Supplier name>Actions>New Payment Address creates a new Payment Address.

To make this the default payment address, check the 'Use as default' check box before you save the address.

Finding and selecting addresses

Supplier, Customer, Prospect, and Lead

On each Master use the Find action:

For example, Customer name>Find>Billing Address

Or, Customer name>Find>Contacts


On the Addresses Tab when the Document is in the 'Edit' state.

Select the Address from the dropdown.

Contact (Customer or Supplier)

Customer name>Actions>New Contact.

Supplier name>Actions>New Contact

Contact Configuration 'type' ⛭

Contacts can be 'labeled' by type

On a Contact, there is a dropdown field 'Contact Type'. You can create Contact types here:


The new Contact type will be available on the Customer and Supplier Masters.

Finding Contacts by 'category'


On each Master use the Find action:

Customer name>Find>Contacts

On each Master, click the 'Contacts' Tab.


Go the Contacts List.

Add custom field(s) to Contacts

See Customization.

Importing Contacts

You can upload Contacts.

Go to: Setup>Import Data>Contacts

Make sure you check each column on the upload template contains the correct 'Address type' setting.

Last updated