Stock View

Tells you about the persona of each instance of a Stock Item, how many you've got and where each one of them is


On the Stock view Tab, you can search for and view stock by Item (SKU code) or by Location.

Panes and >Actions

Item pane

What stock, how many

> Find

Find and view the stock level of an Item

> Select (yellow highlight)

Select an Item and view its Location

Location pane

What Locations and what's in them

> Find

Find and view a Location and it's configuration

> Select (yellow highlight)

Select a Location and view what and how much stock is stored there

Stock Summary pane

What stock is at what Location

> Select (yellow highlight)

Select and view the stock in a Location to discover

Stock Detail pane

About each stock Item



Ref # of the Sales Order the instance of the Item is assigned to when picked


the Item's serial or Lot number


the unit of measure


the ID of the Pallet the Item is assigned to

Last updated