Payments from Customers
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Users can:
Directly receive Card and ACH payments.
Record other types of payment, i.e. Checks.
Both of the above are recorded as a 'Payment' Document in Salesorder which enables users to:
Record the payment method & amount of payment received.
Link the payment to an Invoice or Credit Note.
Track and apply the balances of any unused credit or payments.
Allocate part or all of the balance from Credit Notes.
Add and post discounts.
Add and post charges.
You can configure your system to automatically create a Credit Note on the Customer's Accounts Receivable balance.
To do this go to:
Setup>Configuration>Accounts>General>Create Credit Note for Unused Payment and check the box.
When undeposited Payments are deposited to the Bank the Payment Document cannot be edited.
If the payment went directly to a bank account, select 'Deposit to' and select the appropriate bank.
If the payment method is a check, the Reference will be the check number. By default, the payment is sent to the Non-Deposited Funds Account.
If the Payment was paid into the Non-Deposited funds account and only later deposited into a Bank Account, then the Payment cannot be edited. An error message will show if you try to edit the Payment.
When you click on the 'Deposit' link in the error, it will take you to the Deposit Document on which the Payment is recorded.
You can record a Payment from the Customer Master or from a Sales Invoice.
Customer>Receive Payment for unused payment or selected Sales Invoices.
Sales Invoice>Receive Payment on the respective Sales Invoice.
In the Date field, enter the date of the payment when it was received, not when deposited into the Bank.
In the Amount Paid field, enter the actual amount received. This field is pre-populated with the total outstanding amount owed on all open Invoices.
At the bottom, select the invoices to be paid, by ticking the 'Select' checkbox next to each invoice. The associated 'Amount to Credit' and 'Amount to Pay' fields become editable.
In the column ‘Amount to Pay’ enter the amount paid against the Invoice if it is different from the pre-populated amount.
Click on the 'Allocate Credit' tab. The currently available Customer Credit Notes will display. Click the 'Select' checkbox to make the 'Amount to Allocate' field editable. Enter the amount of Credit you wish to allocate.
To allocate the credit to the Invoice, go back to the Invoices tab and enter the $100 credit in the 'Amount to Credit' field.
Select the 'Payment Method' tab. From the Payment Method dropdown select the applicable option.
Note: If an overpayment was made, that credit will be added to an ‘Unused Payment’ field.
Ref #
Received from
The Customer who made the Payment
The date will automatically be populated with the current date. Note: If the date you received payment is not the current date, you should enter the corresponding date
Customer Balance
The amount the Customer owes you. It is the current balance in the Accounts Receivable Ledger (Sales Ledger). If the field contains an amount preceded with a minus sign, this signifies that you owe the customer that amount
Exchange Rate
Amount Paid
Enter the amount the Customer has paid. This amount will automatically be added to the balance in the 'Unused Payment' field on the Invoices tab which will be adjusted when payment allocations are done.
Available Credit
This amount is the total of any outstanding Credit Notes. When you allocate credit to an invoice, this field will be adjusted accordingly.
Unused Payment
Initially, this field will have the same value as the ‘Amount Paid’ field above. As payments to invoices are allocated, this amount will decrease accordingly
Unused Credit
Initially, this field will indicate any credit that is available. As credit is allocated to invoices, this amount will change accordingly. If not all the credit is used, this field will retain the residual value for future allocation to new invoices
Select Column
The first column - A tickbox to select the Invoices to which you want to apply a payment or credit
Date Column
The Due Date of the Sales Invoice(s)
Ref # Column
The unique ID of the Sales Invoice
A/C Memo Column
Original Amount Column
The original balance on the Sales Invoice
Balance Due Column
The outstanding balance on the Sales Invoice
Amount to Credit Column
Enter the amount to be credited. You can only apply a value that is the same or less than the amount in the Unused Credit field. Note: To edit the value in this field, first tick the Select box at the beginning of the row you wish to edit
Amount to Pay Column
Enter the amount to be paid. You can only apply a value that is the same or less than the amount in the Unused Payment field. Note: To edit the value in this field, first tick the Select box at the beginning of the row you wish to edit
Select Column
Check this box to select a Credit Note from which you want to allocate credit
Date Column
The date the Credit note was raised (created)
Ref # Column
The Unique ID of the Credit Note
Original Credit Column
The original balance on this Credit Note
Credit Available Column
The outstanding balance on this Credit Note
Amount to Allocate Column
Enter the amount of credit you want to allocate from this Credit Note. Note:
To edit the value in this field, first, tick the Select box at the beginning of the row you wish to edit
The fields on this tab are used to record details about the payment. For information on entering payment details see Entering Payment Details.
Payment Method
From the dropdown box select the applicable method used by the Customer to make payment
Payment Processor
The Payment Processor to be used for this Payment
Process Status
The status of the Payment Processing. This can be:
A unique reference or ID such as the check number or card transaction number. Filling in this field with the unique number that appears on your bank statement will make reconciliation of your bank account simpler
Deposit to
If this field is checked, then the amount paid will be recorded into the account you specify in the "To Account" field.
If this field is unchecked, the amount paid is recorded in the Non-Deposited Funds account, which can then be deposited into a Bank Account at a later time
To Account
Specify which account the amount has been paid into. Only use this when the amount has been paid directly into an account other than non deposited funds
A reference number auto-assigned. See
Once set, the currency cannot be changed and transactions will only be in the selected currency. See
The Currency Exchange Rate. For more information see .