EDI integration via XML
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After installing SO_EDI_XML Plugin. Custom fields will automatically be created under the EDI Custom Fields section in the Sales Order document. Some other custom fields will be created under Shipment and Invoice documents.
Configuring the plugin:
Add a section to set trading partner configuration under plugin configure (Do not enable plugin)
Name: Name the configuration.
FTP URL, User Name, Password, Folders: Set customer’s FTP URL and credential. Also set FTP folders for inbound and outbound.
Enable for Customer: Provide the object ref of the customer for which the configuration is being prepared.
Enabled: Check the box to enable the configuration.
Enable 850: Check the box to enable 850 document import. Enabling this will create a Sales order in your instance from importing 850.
Time 850: Mention the time in minutes after which you want to poll the FTP for 850 documents. For example, if you provide 15, the plugin will poll the FTP folder every 15 min for a new 850 documents.
Enable 855: This will enable 855 document export, which is an acknowledgment of 850.
Timer 855: Mention the time you want to run the process to prepare 855 documents.
Status to Export: Mention the Sales Order status which you want for 855 preparation. For Example, if you selected Open in the drop-down, 855 will be generated for orders in Open status only.
Enable 940: This will enable 940 document export, which is used to tell a remote warehouse to ship an order and includes information about the destination of the shipment.
Irrespective of EDI: All the processes in EDI works on the orders which came through 850 only. If this checkbox is checked, this tells 940 processes that the 940 files need to be created for all the shipments even if they are not generated for orders that came via EDI (850). Also, if this checkbox is checked “Enable for customer” value is not considered while fetching the shipments to export.
Warehouses: Select the warehouse, if 940 needs to be created for a specific warehouse only.
Specific Warehouse (If required): Provide an ID or name that needs to be sent as a warehouse in the 940. If it is blank the warehouse won’t be passed in 940 XML.
Timer 940: Mention the time you want to run the process to prepare 940 documents.
Status to Export: Mention the Shipment status which you want for 940 preparation. For Example, if you selected Ready to Pick in the drop-down, 940 will be generated for orders in Ready to Pick status only.
Enable 945: This will enable 945 document import, which is a Shipment Advice back to the supplier.
Timer 945: Mention the time you want to run the process to check for 945 documents.
Status to Import: Mention the shipment status which you want to change after importing the shipment records from 945.
Enable 856: This will enable 856 document export, which is the shipment document.
Timer 856: Mention the time you want to run the process to prepare 856 documents.
Status to Export: Mention the shipment status which you want for 856 preparation. For Example, if you selected Shipped in the drop-down, 856 will be generated for shipments in Shipped status only.
Enable 810: This will enable 810 document export, which is the invoice document.
Timer 810: Mention the time you want to run the process to prepare 810 documents.
Status to Export: Mention the invoice status which you want for 810 preparation. For Example, if you selected Open in the drop-down, 810 will be generated for invoices in Open status only.
Enable Re-Upload & Timer Re-Upload: If this checkbox is checked and Timer Re-Upload is mentioned, it will re-export the document which failed while uploading on FTP.
Send Process Status Email and Status Email Address: Enable this check box and mention the email address where you want to send emails in case of any errors.
Save the config.
Other configurations: Under the customer profile you have configured on the plugin configuration, set the Vender number which is you can get this vendor number from the <Vendor> tag in 850 under Header – OrderHeader.
4. Note: In the case of orders created with “Bulk – Acknowledge with Exception” for Order Management, one of the line items should have item status DR (Accept - Date Rescheduled) or IR (Item Rejected)