Content Management System (CMS)

The CMS is your primary tool for configuring the Trade Acceleration Portal (TAP). Use it to view and make changes to Blocks and pages.

Available Blocks:

Each page has a unique set of relevant Blocks. Some Blocks are specific to certain pages, like the Login Popup (Header only), while others, like Group Start, are available on every page.

Selected Blocks:

Blocks are added to a page by dragging them from the 'Available Blocks' column to the 'Selected Blocks' area.

Blocks Configurations:

Click on a Blocks in the 'Selected Blocks' section to access its configuration options. Use this section to make both basic and advanced changes.

CMS Icons

  • Copy Blocks: Duplicate a Blocks and choose where to place it on the page.

  • Delete Blocks: Remove Blocks from the page.

  • View Demo Theme: Get inspired from the demo theme; click here to view.

  • Preview: Preview changes to the page before saving.

  • Save: Always remember to save changes. You'll be prompted to save if you try to view the cart without doing so.

  • View Cart: Return to the cart.

  • Return to Config: Go back to the configuration page.

Last updated