
Configure your workflows, specify identifications for packaging containers and add printers


Use Ctrl-F and the field name to quickly locate and review the description

General Configuration

General ConfigNotes

Allow Assembly Items in

Stock Adjustments

Goods In > Receive with PO

Goods in>Receive with PONotes

Default receive location

Sets the default receive location on the Barcode device

Show Status

Display on Barcode device

Show Supplier Name

Display on Barcode device

Show Item Description

Display on Barcode device

Show Serial/Lot

Display on Barcode device

Move back on confirm pick

Auto-create Item receipt

Creates an Item Receipt in the main app. Process decision - warehouse or accounts team creates the Item receipt. See Using Item Receipt.

Show putaway Location

Display on Barcode device

Enable Transaction locking

Prevents another Barcode or Warehouse manager accessing documents opened by other users

Over Receive Tolerance %

Percentage of Purchasing Unit of Measure that can be over received

Under Receive Tolerance %

Percentage of Purchasing Unit of Measure that can be under received

Goods In > Receive with RMA

Goods In>Receive with RMANotes

Default receive location

Sets the default receive location on the Barcode device

Show Status

Display on Barcode device

Show Customer Name

Display on Barcode device

Show Item Description

Display on Barcode device

Show Serial/Lot

Display on Barcode device

Move back on confirm pick

Auto-create Credit Note

Creates an Item Receipt in the main app. Process decision - warehouse or accounts team creates the Item receipt. See Using Item Receipt.

Show Putaway Location

Display on Barcode device

Enable Transaction locking

Prevents another Barcode or Warehouse manager accessing documents opened by other users

Over Receive Tolerance %

Percentage of Stock quantity that can be over received

Under Receive Tolerance %

Percentage of Stock quantity that can be under received

Goods Out > Pick Orders

Goods Out>Pick OrdersNotes

Default Destination Location

Sets the default Goods Out location on the Barcode device

Show Status

Display on Barcode device

Show Customer Name

Display on Barcode device

Show Item Description

Display on Barcode device

Show Barcode

Display on Barcode device

Display Location at Top

Display on Barcode device

Enable transaction locking

Prevents another Barcode or Warehouse manager accessing documents opened by other users

Scroll to next line item

Items per page

Specify number of Items displayed on handheld.

Goods Out > Pack Orders

Goods Out>Pack OrdersNotes

Auto box packing

Skip the packing step, set Shipment status to 'All Packed' after all SKUs are picked.

Ready to Ship when packed

When all SKUs are packed, set the Shipment status to 'Ready to Ship.

Move Stock >Move / Putaway Stock

Move Stock >Move / Putaway StockNotes

Default Move location

Sets the default receive location on the Barcode device

Show Item Description

Display on Barcode device

Stock Count

Stock Count > Hide Calculated Quantity

Stock Count>Hide Calculated QuantityNotes

Hide Calculated Quantity

Force the user counting the stock to physically count the SKUS

Build Kits / Assemblies

Build Kits / AssembliesNotes

Auto Build Assemblies (after picking)

Auto Build Kits (after picking)

Packing Container / Box Types pane

Here you can specify packaging:

  • Type

  • Barcode

  • Length

  • Width

  • Height

This creates a list of packaging used in the packing workflow.

Bartender Printers pane

Add and view Bartender printers. For information about Bartender contact

Plugins Pane

Displays installed Plugins and their status. For information about WMS plugins contact

Last updated