
Track Bank Accounts


Bank Accounts

Bank Accounts are displayed on the Payments so that they can be selected to direct monies to and from the relevant Bank account.

To add a Bank Account, Banking>Bank Accounts>+

Make sure you select the right Currency. See Currencies

Default Bank account ⛭

You can set default Bank Accounts for receiving payments from Customers and making payments to Suppliers. The default accounts are set on a per-currency basis, and as such are actually set in the Currency document itself. To set the default bank accounts for a particular Currency follow the steps below.

Go to Accounting > Multi-Currency > Currencies. Edit, select. save.

Bank Accounts have Actions to allow users to perform the following tasks:

Enter Purchase (miscellaneous expenses)

A form to enable the entry of miscellaneous expenses and their assignment and posting to the relevant GL account.

Make Deposit

Payments in non-deposited funds are displayed here. This function enables users to decide what payments are deposited in this bank account. Users can save the deposit as 'Pending' to allow edits. Saving the document posts the selection to the General Ledger.

Transfer Funds

Transfer a balance from this account to the selected Account in the General Ledger.

Make Payment to Account

This action post entries to the Profit and Loss ‘Other Income Accounts’.

Make Payment from Account

To make payment from account

Bank Account > Actions > Enter Payment from Account (e.g. Checks)

To write check

View payment > Actions > Write Check

To print check

Note: You must enter Payee Details to print checks

Use the button on the action bar.

Check status will update to ‘Printed’.

See Checks.


See Bank Reconciliation.

Last updated