Stock Count
Configure and perform Stock Counts
Last updated
Configure and perform Stock Counts
Last updated
Perform stock multiple stock counts simultaneously. Create, name and date, full or specified stock counts. Adjust stock, and store count history. Use barcode scanner, WMS console or printed count lists.
Stock Count>Stock Counts>New
Unique ID
Select WMS User
Count by
Items, Locations, or Locations and Items.
Full Stock Count
Count everything
Before beginning a stock count, you need to choose a stock count method and type.
Three stock count methods:
By Item
By Location
By Location and Item
When you choose a method you can perform two types of stock count:
Specify a selection of stock
All stock
You can create and optimize stock count strategies using the Group and Count Order parameters on individual Location configurations.
You can assign Locations to a named Group, by entering the Group name into the ‘Group’ field on each Location configuration.
You can assign a Count Order to a Location, by entering the count sequence number into the ‘Count Order’ field on each Location configuration. Count order defines where in the count sequence this location will occur.
See Locations.
To bulk create assignments use the Locations Import sheet. You’ll find this in the SOWMS plugin configuration.
See Import Locations.
You can perform a Blind Count, for example when you’re getting started and don’t want to rely on your old system’s numbers. A Blind Count forces warehouse personnel to physically count the stock at each location and enter a number.
Set when Count is created. You can now edit the Calculated Qty column in the Counted Stock pane by clicking on the row within the column.
Set when the Count is locked for Counting. Stock Counts pane>Actions>Lock for Counting.
Set when counting is complete. Stock Counts pane>Actions>Count Complete.
Set by ‘Adjust Stock’ Action on Counted Stock Pane. This Action becomes active when both of the following conditions are present
Count status has been set to Count Complete (see above ‘Completed’).
A Variance exists.
The Adjust Stock action will post a Stock Adjustment.
Stock Counts pane
Update the panes.
>Actions>Count Complete
>Actions>Lock for Counting
>Print Count Sheet
Items or Locations pane
Toggle down arrow ⩒ to flip views between ‘Items’ and ‘Locations’.
If the New Count type is Items only, the pane name will show as ‘Items’.
If New Count type is Location, or Location and Items the pane name will show as ‘Locations’.
>Add or Add All
Add the selected Locations or Items (checkbox) to the Count.
The Find function popup will display:
Find ‘Item code/Description’ if the pane name is Items.
Find ‘Location Name/Barcode’ and Group if the pane name is Locations.
Counted Stock or Locations pane
Toggle down arrow ⩒ to flip views between ‘Counted Stock’ and ‘Counted ‘Locations’.
If the New Count type is Items only, the pane name will show as ‘Counted Stock’.
If New Count type is Location, or Location and Items the pane name will show as ‘Counted Locations’.
Remove selected (yellow highlight) Item/Location.
>Adjust Stock
Set by ‘Adjust Stock’ Action on Counted Stock Pane. This Action becomes active when both of the following conditions are present
Count status has been set to Count Complete (see above ‘Completed’).
A Variance exists.
The Adjust Stock action will post a Stock Adjustment.
>Find Pane name = ‘Counted Stock’
Item Code/Description
Enter the value.
Location Name/Barcode
Enter the value.
Counted Stock with discrepancies = OFF
Only return results of counted stock with no discrepancies.
Counted Stock with discrepancies = ON
Return results of counted stock with discrepancies.
>Find Pane name = ‘Counted Locations’
Item Code/Description
Enter the value.
Location Name/Barcode
Enter the value.
Only non-counted Locations = OFF
Return results = all Locations.
Only non-counted Locations = ON
Return results = only non counted Locations.
See this video - Stock Count.
See this video - Scanner Stock Count.
See above ''.